

to bolster the dollar — поддерживать курс доллара

to exchange euro for dollars — обменивать евро на доллары

to give an uplift to the dollar — повышать курс доллара

to peg the dollar — устанавливать фиксированный курс доллара

to prop up the falling dollar — поддерживать курс доллара

to put pressure on the dollar — оказывать давление на доллар

to send the dollar tumbling — приводить к резкому падению курса доллара

to stabilize the dollar — стабилизировать курс доллара

to stop the dollar slipping further — приостанавливать дальнейшее падение курса доллара

to underpin the dollar — поддерживать курс доллара

to weaken the dollar — понижать курс доллара

- collapse of the dollar
- declining value of the dollar
- depreciation of the dollar
- dollar continues its upward surge
- dollar dropped sharply
- dollar eased against the euro
- dollar edged slightly forward
- dollar edges lower
- dollar falls versus the euro
- dollar firmed
- dollar fluctuated widely
- dollar goes to new lows
- dollar has been very quiet
- dollar has gained ground against the yen
- dollar is down against the euro
- dollar is in the doldrums
- dollar is up against the euro
- dollar lost steam
- dollar opened at ...
- dollar resumed a more gentle uptrend
- dollar shoots up
- dollar sinks further
- dollar soars
- dollar steadied
- dollar surges
- dollar weakened against the euro
- fall of the dollar
- in terms of dollars
- peg to the dollar
- plunge in the value of the dollar
- slide of the dollar

Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "dollar" в других словарях:

  • Dollar US — Dollar américain Unité monétaire moderne actuelle dollar américain Pays officiellement utilisateur(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dollar us — Dollar américain Unité monétaire moderne actuelle dollar américain Pays officiellement utilisateur(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • DOLLAR — Le dollar est l’unité monétaire des États Unis, mais aussi de plusieurs autres États (Australie, Nouvelle Zélande, Canada...). Ce qui frappe l’observateur, c’est évidemment la place que la devise américaine occupe sur la scène internationale.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • dollar — dol‧lar [ˈdɒlə ǁ ˈdɑːlər] written abbreviation dol. noun [countable] 1. FINANCE the name of the currency unit used in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, and some other countries. The symbol for the dollar is $: •… …   Financial and business terms

  • Dollar — Dollar, seit 1792 in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika gesetzlich eingeführte, in 100 Cents geteilte Münzeinheit. Abkürzung (Zeichen) für dieselbe: $ Der Golddollar ist nach dem Gesetz von 1837 = 23,22 engl. Troygrains oder 1,505 g Feingold …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Dollar —    DOLLAR, a town and parish, in the county of Clackmannan; containing 1562 inhabitants, of whom 1131 are in the town, 7 miles (N. E.) from Alloa. This place, of which the name, in the Gaelic language, is descriptive either of a vale at the base… …   A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • dollar — dol lar, n. [D. daalder, LG. dahler, G. thaler, an abbreviation of Joachimsthaler, i. e., a piece of money first coined, about the year 1518, in the valley (G. thal) of St. Joachim, in Bohemia. See {Dale}.] 1. (a) A silver coin of the United… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dollar — (n.) 1550s, from Low Ger. daler, from Ger. taler (1530s, later thaler), abbreviation of Joachimstaler, lit. (gulden) of Joachimstal, coin minted 1519 from silver from mine opened 1516 near Joachimstal, town in Erzgebirge Mountains in northwest… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Dollar — Dollar, eine nordamerikanische Silbermünze, ähnlich unserm Thaler, aber im Werthe von 1 Thlr. 9–10 Gr. Conv. M. Der Dollar hat 10 Dimes oder 100 Cents …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Dollar — Dollar: Der Name der Währungseinheit (in den USA, in Kanada und Australien) wurde im 19. Jh. aus amerik. engl. dollar entlehnt, das selbst aus niederd. dāler (= nhd. ↑ Taler) stammt …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • Dollar — [Basiswortschatz (Rating 1 1500)] Bsp.: • Der Flug kostete 300 Dollar …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

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